invite your friends to church online
People don't come to church because they're not invited. And sometimes we don't invite people because we're not sure what to say or we don't want them to feel pressured. Now is a great time to practice inviting people to church - no pressure online.
If you need a good friend, be a good friend, and watch what God does. Sometimes all it takes is a simple invitation to build a meaningful relationship and jumpstart someone’s spiritual journey.
Casually ask a family member, friend, neighbor, or colleague to join you in watching church online—you can create an online watch party. Want to understand Watch Parties? Click here.
Share a First Wesleyan social media post or invite.
Text a friend and invite them to the next message online.
Share the livestream on social media. Tag someone you think might be interested.
Mostly, do whatever comes naturally to you. It's about relationships; this is just an extension of your relationship.
At some point, you’ll need to help people see what Jesus is offering. Maybe you’re not sure what to say. Maybe you’re afraid they’ll ask you a question that you won’t have an answer to.
But you know what? Maybe it’s time to just start the conversation. You don’t have to be perfect. You just have to be real.
Get them talking. Ask more questions and really listen. Learn their story. It’s amazing what God will do and where He will lead the conversation.
When the time is right, ask them to church with a loving spirit. Keep it clear, keep it concise, keep it humble, and make sure that you point them toward Jesus.
Here are some ideas for introducing someone to Christ's love into your conversation:
“Hey, do you have a church? Why don’t you join my online watch party?”
“My church has some great music and thoughtful messages. If you ever want to check it out, watch our livestream this weekend.”
“You know what? I’d love to tell you sometime what God has done in my life whenever you feel comfortable with that. I’d love to have that opportunity.”
All of us get turned down sometimes, and that’s okay! Just because someone rejects church doesn’t mean they reject you. Just keep inviting, and don’t get discouraged.
Press and hold the image below to save to your phone. On desktop, right-click and save the image. Share the invitation with a personal message to a friend via text, email, or on social media.